The lower half of the Snap Mail main window is called the OutBox. The OutBox is where you can compose and send outgoing mail. The OutBox contains the following items: • Icon List This list contains the notification icons you can select to identify your mail. When your mail is received, the icon you choose will flash over the recipient’s Apple menu. When you pick an icon from this list, the text form and default recipients associated with the icon will be loaded into the OutBox. If there are more icons defined than can fit in the space given, you can scroll through them using the arrows on either side. • OutBox Text Area This box is where you type the text of your mail. Cut, Copy, and Paste are available. • User List This is the alphabetized list of people to whom you can send mail. This list is updated automatically by Snap Mail to contain all the current users on the system. Users are selected by clicking on the desired name. • Group Pop-Up Menu This pop-up menu allows you to select a predefined group of people to be the recipients of your mail. The “All” group is always defined and it allows you to select all of the users in the User List to receive your mail. • To, cc, and bcc Pop-Up Menu This pop-up menu lets you select whether recipients are primary receivers of the mail (To), are receiving a “carbon copy” (cc) of mail sent primarily to others, or are receiving a “blind carbon copy” (bcc) no record of which will appear on the mail delivered to others. • OutBox Control Buttons These control buttons affect the OutBox. Use the “Clear” button when you want to clear the text box, clear all enclosures, and deselect any selected users. This allows you to quickly start over if you are not happy with what you have composed. Turn the “Receipt” button on if you would like to receive acknowledgment when your mail is read at its destination. When your mail has been read, you will receive a message that tells you the time it was read. Return receipts have a special mail type icon: √. If you have sent mail to more than one person, you will get a return receipt from each recipient. The paper-clip button is used for sending enclosures (files, folders, or applications) or the clipboard along with your mail. The pen and envelope pop-up is used to bring up the Address Book. The Address Book allows you to keep track of your addresses. • The Send, Alert, and Talk buttons These buttons allow you to communicate with other users. When you click on the “Send” button, the mail you have composed in the text box will be sent to all the users you have selected and they will be notified with the icon you have selected from the icon list. The “Alert” button works much like the “Send” button except that an alert is sent instead of mail. Alerts bring up an alert box, are temporary, and can be removed after sending. The “Talk” button will bring up the SnapTalk window, which allows you to teleconference with other users in real time.